Tinnitus can often be managed with hearing aids.

At one point or another in your life you’ve probably had some ringing in your ears. And that ringing has a name: tinnitus. At any particular time 15-20% percent of people, according to many studies, experience tinnitus. Although most people only hear this ringing intermittently, some people experience chronic tinnitus that doesn’t go away. The most prevalent treatment for tinnitus is, fortunately, relatively simple: hearing aids.

Dealing With Persistent Tinnitus

Some of the countless reasons why tinnitus develops are fairly easy to figure out, others not so much. Tinnitus can also sound like a wide variety of subjective and objective sounds, from thumping to clanging to metal buzz-saw sounds, whatever loud symphony your ears can generate.

The noisier and more intense the sounds are, the more invasive tinnitus can get. Difficulty communicating, mental health declines, and disruption of your everyday life can be the eventual result.

Tinnitus And Hearing Aids

While hearing aids don’t necessarily “cure” tinnitus they are really good at dealing with some of the more noticeable symptoms. Hearing aids are able to accomplish this in a few ways.

Making The Ringing in Your Ears Less Noticeable

Tinnitus and hearing loss frequently occur in conjunction. In some cases, they have the same root cause, but often they don’t. But it’s very likely that your tinnitus will worsen as your hearing loss worsens. When you’re not hearing external sounds so well, the internal ones really stick out.

When you’re wearing hearing aids the sounds of the outside world will be turned up. Once again your tinnitus will, to your relief, disappear into the background. Now you can go back to enjoying your life again.

Canceling Out The Noise

Clearly, overwhelming your tinnitus is not the same thing as masking your tinnitus. That’s why many contemporary hearing aids will utilize a specialized twist on noise-canceling technology to help deal with the buzzing and ringing. We can teach you how to fine tune your hearing aid to produce particular white noises that help reduce your tinnitus. Essentially, by generating particular types of sound, your hearing aid can help reduce the volume of your tinnitus symptoms.

This is a customized technology and a consultation with us will help you figure out if this is right for you.

Most types of chronic tinnitus can’t be cured. But you can still find ways to manage it. A precisely calibrated hearing aid can allow you to fully live your life and experience the joys of the world without being overwhelmed by buzzing, ringing, or any other tinnitus-related sounds. For many people who live with tinnitus, hearing aids are ideal.

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