There are several myths about tinnitus that can hinder sufferers from seeking treatment. This article will bust those myths and give you solid facts that will convince you not to believe in them.

What is tinnitus anyway?

Tinnitus is the perception of sound when no external noise is present. Tinnitus is often described as “ringing in the ears,” however sufferers also perceive the sounds to be buzzing, hissing, whooshing, whistling, clicking, etc. Nearly 50 million Americans report some degree of tinnitus ranging in severity, annoyance, and frequency.

Common Myths About Tinnitus

Here are some of the common myths people here about tinnitus:

Myth: Tinnitus only affects people who listen to loud music and go to concerts.

Fact: Noise exposure can absolutely cause tinnitus, however there are several other causes including hearing loss, stress, diet, caffeine, medication, tobacco, alcohol and unfortunately sometimes tinnitus can develop with no clear cause.

Myth: Tinnitus will go away on its own.

Fact: Tinnitus can be a symptom of many different things, some of which can be temporary, however others are more permanent. For most tinnitus sufferers, their tinnitus does not just “go away.” Contact a licensed audiologist to discuss treatment options.

Myth: There is no treatment for tinnitus.

Fact: You may have been told by a healthcare provider that tinnitus is just something that you’ll have to get use to and to just “deal with it,” however there are a lot of treatment options to lessen the impacts of tinnitus. Treatment options include sound therapy, counseling, tinnitus management devices, relaxation exercises, etc.   

Myth: Tinnitus is a disease.

Fact: Tinnitus is not a disease, but a result from a wide range of causes. However if left untreated can cause fatigue, depression, anxiety and problems with memory and concentration.

Myth: There are pills that will cure my tinnitus.

Fact: According to research studies, there are no miraculous tinnitus pills that have been proven to cure tinnitus. The only tinnitus treatments proven to decrease the effects of tinnitus are tinnitus management devices and sound therapy.   

Now that we’ve busted some of the most common myths surrounding tinnitus, you’ll have a better understanding of it. You’ll be able to make informed decisions that will contribute to your overall hearing health.

If you or someone you love is suffering from tinnitus and you don’t know what to do about it, you can contact us and schedule an appointment. We’ll get to the bottom of it! We’re always happy to serve!

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